Thursday, March 02, 2006


So the royal coach of Yarnnation (ie our 2001 Saturn) has a problem with its master cylinder. And what, you ask, does this have to do with knitting? Well it just goes to show that in Yarnnation EVERYTHING has to do with knitting. So here's the yarn. . . (he he)
Our car starts acting up, we get and estimate to fix it, we freak out because we can't afford to fix it and it isn't getting better it's getting worse (of course.) So, the Duke has a very generous grandfather who also has a very fun sense of humor. We asked him for a loan to fix our car. Now grandfather loans are interest free, only have a generalized pay back period (when you can,) and are approved very rapidly. However, do not be mistaken, they do come with some strings (or yarn in this case) attached. Along with the check we received in the mail we also get a document entitled "Pledge." It requires, in consideration for this loan, that we pledge our first born child, with first option on our second (because Grandpa likes pairs.)
Now according to the Queen, this is a very risky deal Grandpa is making, as she is convinced there is never going to be a little one, of Dutch or any other decent, joining our family. To her I say MOTHER, I AM ONLY 27 AND BOTH OF US ARE STILL GRAD STUDENTS- BE PATIENT. Besides, since the Duke and I agreed to the terms of the loan, she is just going to have to wait that much longer. Luckily, she and Grandpa live in the same town. If she's nice maybe he'll let her visit her grand baby!!!
So, how this all comes back to knitting. Well, we knew we had to let Grandpa know we are reliable loanees (and grandchildren) so, I knit a little fishing hat for the "first born" for Grandpa to keep as collateral. We want him to know that while we can make no promise as to the gender of the child, we can offer a child who will happily go fishing with such a loving Grandpa.

The specs: LB Wool-Ease (from my stash- and sad they have discontinued it. . . I really like this yarn), the pattern is my design, the colors aren't very true in the photo mc= light blue green, cc=sky blue.

Daylight offered a new option for color. . . these colors are a little more true to life.

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