Saturday, March 08, 2008

Rough Road Ahead


It will come as no surprise to any of you who know us or have been reading here for a while that the Duke and I could never subject our family to another pregnancy. We couldn't do it to ourselves, but even more, we couldn't expose Little Sir to such a trial.

While this makes us sad, and we are still learning to deal with that, we are looking forward to increasing the size of our family through adoption.

We always planning on having our children fairly close together. So we knew that we needed to start the adoption process soon, as the average wait time is around three years.

This week I called the adoption agency we had planned on using. I was frustrated to learn that they would not consider us for adoption until Little Sir is at least one year old.

We knew that the adoption process was not going to be easy, but to run into a road block with the first phone call was disheartening.

I know that it's only a matter of seven months, and we can learn a lot and continue to prepare during that time. It's just frustrating to know that we can't move closer to our desire to grow our family for that (seemingly long) period of time.

So, this begins my documentation of the process of our first adoption. Wish us well, and please, all positive encouragement and advise is welcome (just please don't tell us horror stories about adoption, we don't need that.)

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