Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Some Yarn

I know, there hasn't been a lot of yarn or spinning or knitting showing up on this blog as of late.  I have been knitting and spinning, but in short spurts and with long breaks in between.  A three year old who makes the Tasmanian Devil look lazy and an adorable six month old that I can't stop looking at make for scarce knitting time.  And that doesn't speak to the lack of brain power or the fact that I often fall asleep if I sit still for too long.

Anyway, someday soon I'll show you what little I've been up too.  In the mean time, I've been wanting to show you this beautiful afghan that my grandmother gave me a while ago.

It was made by my great grand mother using a technique called Hair Pin Lace, which is actually a crochet stitch, not a knitting stitch.  I absolutely love it and may be tempted to try it myself some day.  If any of you with a greater capacity to think and fewer small creatures relying on you want to give it a try, here is a great looking tutorial.


  1. That looks fantastic!

  2. I'd lofe the pattern info. The tutorual link doesn't take you there.

  3. I'd lofe the pattern info. The tutorual link doesn't take you there.
