Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Little Sir and a Little Knitting

Ok, we will start out with the knitting, so if you are sick of photos of my adorable baby (just don't tell me) I won't torture you.

With the whole BPA hullabaloo I took care of Little Sir's baby bottles and after I took care of that I look at my 5 year old Nalgene bottles which are scratched, dented, and fairly well beat to death and decided I had better take care of what I drink out of as well.

A friend had told me about these tops for canning jars. I had seen other "greenies" using glass canning jars as their water containers. Ok, all well and good, except for one minorish detail. I am a total klutz. There is a reason my Nalgene bottles are so beat up. Well, knitting to the rescue.


post felting

I figure that this jar cozy will provide at least some protection in the inevitable event that I drop one of these, but more importantly, if the jar does break, at least the pieces of glass will be contained. Remind me, I'll let you know how it works.

Now. . .
For Princess P. and anyone else interested in this adorable little boy.






OH- those eyes!

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