Friday, June 01, 2007

Spinning? Do we do that here?

The Duke said he would know when I was feeling better when I started spinning again. Well, it is true that I am feeling much better and so it happened as the man said.

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This Lorna's Laces roving (wool of unknown origin- but nice to spin) has been on my bobbins since pre-pregnancy. It was time to get it off. It was about 10 oz., but I used some of it for a non-spinning purpose, and there was a little waste, as is expected. I ended up with about 500 or so yards of a light worsted weight 2 ply. There are actually parts of it that are a little finer, as it is my nature to spin finer singles, but considering the length of time that elapse between start date and end date, it looks pretty consistent.

The Duke says thanks to all of you who sent congratulations via the blog. It really is such a big thing for us, it is still sinking in. We have been married for 6 years and he has been a student that entire time. At least I'm still a student for a bit longer, so we won't go into total culture shock all at once!

Next, remember you have until 5:00 pm today to comment on the Yarn of Yarnnation #3. A random commenter will get sent some fiber happiness.

Last, I have fixed my bloglines (I'm pretty sure) but I haven't been commenting a lot lately, mostly because I'm just tired. I am reading though- great midnight occupation! I'll be better after school is over. I have a feeling that the naughty alien is going to (per Murphy's law) give up the nausea battle just as soon as finals are over. Hopefully the mythical second trimester energy will show up around that time too. The reason I am telling you this- If you know I have read your blog in the past, or for that matter you think I should read your blog but haven't in the past and you don't see your blog on my sidebar, leave a comment or send me an email and let me know. I felt terrible when I discovered that I had somehow deleted three of my friend's blogs. I just thought they were going through a blogging dry spell. I'm blaming it all on the alien, it's all the alien's fault! It's a naughty little alien (and a week from today we will be able to assign the appropriate pronoun to that naughty little alien- YIPEEE!!!!)

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